Surviving Childbirth on Plantations, Data Viz Designer

Data Visualization & Graphic Designer  /  Nazdeek + ICAAD

Adivasi (indigenous) women in Assam, northeast India face multiple barriers to combating anemia and accessing adequate maternal health care, according to a report released by Nazdeek. Various government interventions meant to combat anemia are insufficient and unsuccessful in reaching the women they are intended to serve.

The report sheds lights on the multiple gaps in the implementation of government health interventions meant to decrease anemia and maternal mortality on tea plantations in Assam – where the majority of tea workers are Adivasi. These women face multiple layers of oppression and exploitation, and are unable to realize their right to safe motherhood.

I collaborated with Leah Cabrera Fischer on the visual design of this report, but took lead on creating the data visualizations featured throughout.

Data Visualizations

Assam Maps-010.png
Assam Maps-09.png

Read the whole report to learn more about the issue and the human rights work Nazdeek and ICAAD are doing.

VisualizationJoe Wheeler